Tuesday 27 December 2011

bye 2011 =)

4 more days, 
Just 4 more days,
2011 is going to end!

For me, it will be a sad ending cause I can't countdown in Kuching, my lovely hometown.
Furthermore I will be alone while people are with their loves welcoming 2012. Sighs~~~

Anyway, 2011 is really a year that full of surprise & happiness, blessing & meaningful year.

Surprise!! =D

It was on my birthday!!

Let's see who came from Kuching to KL for giving me a big surprise~

my dearest n his bro.
Thank you!^^
(I skipped my class because of u. lalala XD)
Thanks to my buddies in Nilai too^^

This was the surprise for leh leh

This was the surprise part for jun jun

This is the meaningful part in 2011 =)

 I joined 30 hours famine in August, because of this I skipped my class again. *Hiak Hiak*

Happy journey~~




And of course a sad year for me too, because my uncle had passed away in may. =(

Anyway, Thanks a lot for those who full filled my life in 2011, and I need to apologize for those who I hurt.

No matter how, I hope everyone beside me stay healthy and happy in the year 2012.

bye 2011!