Friday 27 May 2011

U, my special only one

 A pairs of small bulldog eyes to see lenglui (even though I am just beside u )
A big tummy to let me hug & sleep on
A pairs of warm hands to hold
A pairs of big mouth to eat (especially those food with high calories)

And the most important one is 
A heart that loves me!!

Please guess who is this person =D 

BINGO!! my noob noob bii

You are always the 1 who cherish my life, just because u want me to be happy!
You are always the 1 who comfort me, just because u want me to be happy!

And I know, everything u do, there is a simple reason  
Just to make me happy! =)

I understand that I am really a bad tempered person. When I get angry, nobody can control me, including u~ OOPPSssss~ hehe
I am trying to change, I know u realize it^^

I really appreciate YOU, MY SPECIAL ONE! 
You are the most valuable "present" that I get from god.

Muacks, love u always =* 

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