Friday 24 June 2011

Sem break in my lovely hometown...

I have been in my lovely hometown for 10days..
Time really flies!! I am going back to Nilai after 1 week~~ That's really sad for me.
Anyway, I really have an enjoyable sem break in my lovely hometown! =)

This are what I had ate in Kuching!!

 Tomato noodle

Char kueh

And of course I had ate Kolo mee!
Beside that, Gong piah, sio bee, teh tarik, roti canai, chicken rice, beef noodle etc had all digested in my digestive system. haha XD

Not only that, my mummy cooks my favourite local food. Money cai, bilin, paku etc.
They are really YUMMY!! 

Although I ate a lot in Kuching, I still go for exercise. (although doesn't help much for loosing my weight T.T)

The most fun & exciting part was I went to Sematan with 2009 SS3 brothers n sisters.
A lot of incidents happened during this event.
I hurt my buttocks, my camera spoil, almost accident, unknown creatures attacked some of us, a sudden strong wind~~
And most of us really had a bad sunburn since we play under the sun for almost 4 hours.
This is the most serious sunburn I ever have. hehe~~

And my dear bii bii, of course I have enjoyable time with u. Muah!! o(n.n)o

U also la, my dear old pal, Shenna Lee, haha! thanks a lot for ur chicken wing n char kueh!! 

1 more week to go, but I want to continue staying here ='(

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